What’s the Role of Smart Contract in the Banking Industry?

Smart contracts, self-executing code that runs on blockchains like Ethereum, are poised to become a transformative force across the banking and financial services sector. By encoding complex contractual logic and workflows into auditable software, smart contracts unlock automation, speed and transparency benefits. Leading banks have already begun exploring how smart contract applications can stRead More…

11 IoT Securities You Must Have for Your Smart Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing how we interact with everyday devices by making them connected and “smart”. Smart speakers, connected appliances, wearable trackers, home automation systems, and more are becoming ubiquitous in our lives. But increased connectivity also means increased vulnerability. IoT devices collect vast amounts of sensitive data and access. Securing the eRead More…

How Blockchain Is Being Used With Smart Buildings

The emergence of smart buildings and the Internet of Things (IoT) is driving new applications of blockchain technology. Developers and building managers are leveraging the immutable ledger capabilities of blockchain to enhance security, optimize energy usage, and enable automation in modern facilities. Smart buildings are facilities that use sensors, data analytics and integrated systems to opeRead More…