Qualcomm CEO: We will be your ticket to the Metaverse

The CEO of Qualcomm, Cristiano Amon, made a bold declaration today that the technology company would be the key enabler for making the metaverse a reality. Speaking at Qualcomm’s annual Snapdragon Tech Summit, Amon stated that Qualcomm’s technology across 5G connectivity, artificial intelligence, and immersive extended reality experiences position it at the center of metaverse development. “We Read More…

How Meta Could Muck Up the Metaverse

When Facebook announced its plans to build the metaverse and changed its name to Meta, it generated a lot of buzz and optimism about the future possibilities of an immersive virtual world. However, Meta’s vision and approach also raises concerns about the potential downsides if the social media giant mucks up the development of this new digital realm. The metaverse concept represents the next pRead More…

Facebook’s Pivot: Motivation, Momentum, and the Metaverse

Facebook sent shockwaves across the tech industry when it announced its plan to rebrand as Meta and build the “metaverse” – a virtual reality world where people work, play, and interact. This pivot speaks volumes about Facebook’s motivations, the momentum behind VR, and the potential of the metaverse concept. Why would Facebook make such a drastic move right when its core business is still geneRead More…

The Quest for Power in the Metaverse – Navigating Centralization vs. Decentralization

As the concept of the metaverse goes mainstream, a pivotal question looms – who will, and who should, control these emerging virtual worlds? Tech giants are vying to conquer the new digital frontier by building their own closed-off metaverse platforms. Meanwhile, a growing decentralized movement aims to create an open metaverse owned by users. The opposing forces of centralization and decentralRead More…

Why I will never use Zuckerberg’s metaverse

When Mark Zuckerberg announced his intentions to pivot Facebook toward building the “metaverse” – a virtual reality-powered internet – he framed it as the next major computing platform that will transform how we all connect, play, and work. But as an avid tech user, I approach this vision of the metaverse with immense skepticism. No matter how alluring Zuckerberg tries to make his metaverse visionRead More…